2025 Expedition | Arctic | Leffingwell | Sponsors

2025 Expedition

The 2025 Arctic expedition will take us deep into the Brooks Range, where never in recorded history has a dogteam traveled, and snowmobiles are prohibited.  Due to the rugged and steep terrain with extremely deep snow, this large region has always been believed to be inaccessible for dog teams.  However, my dogs and I explored this region several years ago, although not in its entirety, discovering several unmapped hot springs. 

Because of the precious mineral significance of hot springs and the attention that such a finding would cause, I chose not to publish its whereabouts, concerning promoting "traffic" to the area and destroying its remote and pristine setting.

 I've decided to revisit the region to gather additional data and photographs, yet the location will remain unpublished. I will expand my exploration, hopefully leading to more hot springs and other interesting geological landscapes. This way, we will have photos and videos of a truly untouched wilderness area preserved to encourage future generations or those who want to "rediscover" these untouched regions the old-fashioned way via snowshoes and dog teams rather than helicopters.

The 2022 two-month Arctic expedition was an amazing but brutal attempt to cross the badlands entirely. More about the expedition will be published in upcoming books.

   The 2023 multi-month expedition led us into a region that has always fascinated me, but I hadn't ever taken the time to explore it.  This region is one of the windiest areas in Arctic Alaska, but it's an oasis for wildlife. And I wanted to discover why the region attracted vast amounts of wildlife.  It was truly amazing to view and live amid so many forms of Arctic wildlife, like caribou, moose, ptarmigan, foxes, and wolves, and the list goes on.   The expedition gave birth to the book: "Malamute Man: Malamutes, Blizzards, and Mysteries, An Arctic Journey by Dogteam."

The 2024 expedition, which lasted 94 days, led us into the same region as the 2023 expedition but more extensively. Again, I felt more blessed to be amongst many of God's amazing creatures than ever. It gives a man the true sense of living in the wild!

Please donate and make this historic expedition possible!!
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