July 24, 2010
They’re Cute…How Can You Resist?
Happy weekend!!
Can you believe it’s already the end of July? I might shed a few tears at the very thought of it. :( Ever since summer solstice on June 21st, we’ve been losing our daylight at mach speed, and as much as I sincerely am looking forward to winter, it somehow manages to break my heart, just a little bit.
But there is good news! This cutie patootie purebred Alaskan malamute is going to move in with a wonderful family who lives in Washington state! When she’s old enough to fly, she’ll embark on her first adventure in an airplane. She told me today that she can’t wait to meet her new family and their other dogs! She’s got quite an adventurous spirit! 
And then there’s this baby doll, who is also purebred mal. She will be moving in soon with a wonderful woman who lives in Fairbanks who has a major soft spot in her heart for malamutes! We just know they will get along famously…no doubt about it. Malamutes love to be spoiled, and lucky for this gal, her new mom will have no problem treating her like a queen!

We do still have two gorgeous purebred malamute pups for whom we are trying to find a loving home. Aren’t they so cute and chubby? You know you want one…or you know someone who does. ;) They are AKC registered, purebred Alaskan malamutes. If you’ve never owned a malamute before (or maybe I should say…if a malamute has never owned you) you could not imagine the level of companionship you get from this breed! There is a lot of power in the love of a malamute. Their character is so special…they will change your life for the better!