July 2, 2010
Oh, Baby!
Well, we’ve had an eventful week at the ol’ malamute ranch!
Petra had a litter of pups!

They are fat and sassy and strong. Petra, as a first-time mother, is doing a fantastic job with them.

These little fellas are very special pups! They’re actually not purebred mals, but they’re 3/4 mal and 1/4 husky. We wanted to preserve the bloodline of our beloved malamute/husky, Bear. Besides being one of the best lead dogs Joe has ever had, Bear has MOVIE STAR roots!
Bear’s grandfather starred as the lead dog in Walt Disney’s White Fang! That’s right. Bear’s grandfather, whose name also happened to be Bear, along with a bunch of Joe’s other dogs, made up the dog team in the opening scenes of the movie. Joe served as a dog trainer, doubled for the part of Alex, and was also an extra in some of the town scenes. Any time you see Alex’s character running in front of the team but they don’t show his face….that’s actually Joe.
So here’s Bear:

And Petra:

And their new family!

- http://thzkennels.com Tim McElravy
cute kids
I’ll have to watch White Fang tonight now 
- http://dogblogemma.blogspot.com Emma Rose and the Duchess
Puppies! You know how we love puppies
I think we have the White Fang video. I’m going to see if I can find it!
Congrats on all the new family members!
- http://piappies.blogspot.com/ Piappies World
Congratulations to Petra and Sally!
We would not be able to decide who to cuddle first! They are just all cute! Puppies are love!
Definitely looking for White Fang to watch Bear (and Joe!) Did he make other movies? We’ve become instant fans. =)
Welcome lil puppies! Way to go to the mommies.
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